Every parent knows the great digital divide between parents and their children. One of the biggest digital divides is the creation, usage, and popularity of social media among teens. It is a subject most parents know little about, leaving them puzzled when they see their children spending excessive time on social sites like Facebook.

Teens are now more reliant on these sites than ever before in order to complete their social lives.  Because the unique way teens use social media, affects them differently than adults. If you want to grow your youtube channel, you can take help from Youtubestorm. In this article, we will discuss how social media affect teens.

How many teenagers use social media?

According to a recent study of American youths aged 13–17 by the Pew Research Center:

  • Teenagers can obtain smartphones in 95% of cases.
  • The top five websites that teenagers use are: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • 36% of teenagers claim to use social media excessively.

Social media’s beneficial effects on teenagers

Social media will continue to play a huge role in our lives, but it’s important to remember that kids interact with social media in many different ways.

For many tweens and teens who couldn’t otherwise interact with their pals, social media became the main outlet for interaction during the pandemic. The young can gain many benefits from social media, including:

  • Interacting with people who share your interests
  • Discovering new interests and subjects
  • Increasing identity
  • Promoting participation in politics and society
  • Understanding other people

Social media risks for teenagers

Many parents are reluctant to talk with their teenage children about social media or other forms of technology. Parents around the country are joining together as part of the Wait Until 8th campaign to encourage each other to hold off on giving their kids smartphones until at least eighth grade.

For many teens, social media can become a compulsive activity that causes negative emotions like anxiety and irritability. Researchers at the UCLA Brain Mapping Center discovered that teenagers’ brains are stimulated by popular social media sites, which could lead to increased use.

A recent survey of 1,500 Americans in Generation Z revealed the magnitude of this generation’s preoccupation with social media.

The survey results showed that 86% of people between the ages 16 and 24 believe social media has a negative impact on their happiness. In addition:

  • 85% of people reported lower self-esteem as a result.
  • 85% of respondents said it had a negative impact on their sense of self.
  • 83% said they were feeling more anxious.
  • 81% said they were feeling more alone.
  • 79% said there was more depression.

How to Control Social Media Use as Parents?

Most parents fail to recognize that they have the greatest influence on their child’s development. You can find out if your children are using social media by having a conversation with them about it. If they are, you can encourage their use of the technology but also offer guidance and advice as needed. The following are five steps for managing social media accounts:

  • Parents can set an example for how to use social media and screens by balancing online life with offline experiences.
  • Encourage children and teenagers to spend time with their families and friends doing things in the real world.
  • Establish phone-free zones at the dinner table and in bedrooms to promote conversation during meals and sound sleep.
  • If you make social media into a game, it can be more fun and less harmful to your family. You can monitor how much time you spend on social media using tracking apps like Social Fever and StayFree.Want to get a full guide of home depot. Click here
  • Have you heard of a social media detox? A break from the constant stream of chatter, news, and pictures in your life. Try one with your family and set aside time to talk about real experiences instead!


Social media has a great impact on teens. The majority of their time is spent on social media. It’s also important to make sure that your parents are aware of the time you spend on social media, so they can help you navigate this new world in a healthy manner. Their presence and involvement will help ensure that you use social media responsibly. 

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